Hospitality can be defined as “the quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way.” In the New Testament, the Greek word translated “hospitality” literally means “love of strangers.” Hospitality is a virtue that is both commanded and commended throughout Scripture. St. Paul’s offers several opportunities to get to know each other whether it’s breaking bread together, discussing a book or holding each other in prayer.
Ministry of Hospitality
Opportunities to participate in the Ministry of Hospitality
One of the most fun ways to get involved and meet people at St Paul’s is to join one of the six teams who prepare and serve breakfast every Sunday. Breakfast is served at 9am between the 8am and 10:30 am services. The Adult Forum follows breakfast. The six teams rotate each week throughout the year from fall until school breaks for summer. Each team is named for a saint and has a captain who coordinates with the members to assemble a delicious breakfast.
Coordinator: Miranda Hodgkins
The Book Club meets the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. We cover a wide variety of topics, from fiction to truth and reality, from sadness to joy, the environment – our world and what we are doing to make it better, current issues, theology, and what is the Sacred. It is a time to be in community with fellow Christians, to share our thoughts and beliefs in the sharing of what has been written by others. It is a place to increase our knowledge and strengthen our beliefs.
Coordinator: Joanne Gillespie
We know that breaking bread with others is the time-honored approach to cultivating new friendships and deepening old ones, and we make that opportunity a regular part of life at St. Paul’s. Belonging to a Supper Club, which means you meet and dine with other members on a regular basis, is a way of getting to know each other better and building a stronger community. St. Paul’s Supper Clubs were a huge success before the pandemic and will resume in the fall. Groups of eight will meet in homes or restaurants for dinner on a monthly schedule, as decided by group members. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get to know others in our St. Paul’s community. You are sure to be blessed. More information to follow.
The Prayer Chain is a way for all members to request prayers for their family or friends for a period of 30 days. Requests can be made by e-mail or phone. If you wish, we will also post these requests in our Sunday bulletin so all members can pray for those in need. If you would like to join the prayer chain, we welcome you.
Coordinator: Peggy LaGarde
Our office volunteers are essential to the smooth running of the church’s office. Not only do these wonderful individuals accomplish the necessary tasks associated with the office administration, such as answering phones, making worship support reminder calls, organizing the Sunday School outreach, assembling the weekly bulletin, and other administrative tasks as needed, they proudly represent St. Paul’s to the public, both on the phone and in person. If you have a few hours that you would like to volunteer in our church office (on a regular basis or as needed), we welcome you!
Please contact pastor Maxine for more information