Ministry of Worship

Opportunities to serve in the Ministry of Worship

Children and young adults, from kindergarten through 12th grades, serve in the acolyte program which encourages a reverence for the Sacred while encouraging leadership in the call to worship. Adult members of the Parish family also serve in this ministry during the school year and more so during the summer months. One-on-one training is provided for roles as junior crucifer, torch bearer, and crucifer/server. Our youth and adults also serve as flag bearers at our Easter morning services. All are welcome to participate in this servant ministry.
Coordinator: Nancy Pollock

The Altar Guild of St. Paul’s is supported by a group of very dedicated members who for many years have served their Lord by preparing the church for all worship services. Guild members prepare for services by cleaning and polishing, decorating our sanctuary with candles and hangings, setting the table with fine linen and silver. We find great joy in preparing a place for the great celebration when Christ comes to be with his people in the breaking of the Bread. The time commitment is minimal, with approximately one hour of prep time and a half hour for clean up after Sunday services. A comprehensive training manual, complete with pictures is included in the training. New members (including men) are always needed and are most welcome. Members find this a fulfilling ministry!
Coordinator: Nancy Pollock

When we receive the bread and the wine during the Eucharist, we are touching and being touched by God. It is sacred and powerful when a Bread Baker prepares bread that is then blessed, broken, and distributed to be, the spiritual food of Christ. You don’t have to be a baker as we will share recipes and techniques when we get together. New bakers are always welcome.
Coordinator: Jan Berry Schroeder

Music is such a fundamental part of our Christian heritage. It is often said that by singing to God, you pray twice. The St. Paul’s Adult Choir, Bell Choir and Children’s Choir helps lead our congregation in joyful music to God and serves at our Sunday morning 10:30 service and most of our special services throughout the year.

The adult choir sings every Sunday for the 10:30 am service, performing a variety of anthems that appropriately align with the scripture readings. I am grateful to our choir members who continue to provide their time and talent to sing every Sunday from September through June. We are always in need of more singers in the choir. Please remember that if you enjoy singing and you are interested in singing with us, you are invited to join us during one of our Thursday evening rehearsals. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in “trying before buying.”

Youth choir is an opportunity for those children in 1st grade and older to experience the scared through music and song. Taught by Rege McAden who has devoted her teaching and adult life to music education for young people, children are given the chance to learn about some of the most foundational music to the church and society. Members will be expected to perform various times a year for the congregation. Choir is a serious but fun commitment and will be held from 9:00-9:40 am each Sunday.
Coordinator: Rege McAden

The handbell choir performs on the first Sunday of every month, as well as on Christmas Eve and Easter. If you are interested in the bell choir or would like to learn more about handbells, please come to one of our rehearsals. The handbell choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7 pm.

Eucharistic ministers at St. Paul’s assist the Rector during worship services. Eucharistic ministers lead the reading of the Psalms and the Prayers of the People, however, their primary responsibility is to assist the priest in administering the Holy Eucharist to the congregation. Those who are members of this guild find their service as Eucharistic ministers, particularly distributing the body and blood of Christ to their worship community, to be deeply enriching.  St Paul’s is blessed to have 21 men and women currently serving as Eucharistic ministers.  We are eager to add members to the guild, will provide mentoring to make our newer members comfortable serving on the altar, and invite anybody who feels called to service to please contact Maxine.

The members of the Flower Guild arrange the altar and Narthex flowers each week to beautify our worship space. They also lead the way in decorating our church for major liturgical holidays, and offer us beautiful long-lasting greens arrangements during the annual Christmas Greens Sale. New volunteers are always welcome! A love of flowers and no experience needed, we work in pairs and training is provided.
Coordinator: Nancy Long

Altar Flowers
The beautiful flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God by members of our congregation who want to remember a loved one or give thanksgiving for the people and events in their lives.

Requests can be made for a specific Sunday to coincide with remembrances and celebrations. A donation of $65 is requested to help with the cost of the flowers; payable to “St. Paul’s Episcopal Church,” with a note- Altar Flowers- on the memo line. There are forms for requests on the bulletin board in the Lockwood Reilly building and at the back of the church.
Please click here for a copy of the request form.

St. Paul’s is fortunate to have a committed group of people to read the lessons each Sunday at both services and special services throughout the Church Year. Two people are assigned to read at the 10:30 AM worship service and one person is assigned to read at the 8:00 AM worship service. A schedule is prepared and distributed monthly, listing both the readings and the people assigned to them.

Worship would not be possible without the personable and well-trained ushers of St. Paul’s. Our ushers are the first ones to greet us upon arriving for worship and then keep everything moving – from bringing down the alms basins to directing the flow of our receiving communion. It is all the more remarkable because they exercise their ministry in such a loving and giving way – without drawing attention to themselves. It is a ministry for which we are all grateful. There are rotating teams of ushers at both the 8 am and 10:30 am services, so that no one individual is serving too frequently. If you think that this ministry might be right for you, contact Pastor Maxine.

St Paul’s streams our main service each Sunday as well as occasional special services using HD video equipment and YouTube live stream technology for an excellent at home experience that can be viewed live or on-demand afterwards on any smart TV, tablet or phone. New volunteers are always welcome, training provided!
Coordinator: Bil Longua